Embrace your life
Inhale, Exhale, and Let
it go!
Life moves quickly on its own but when we add work, balancing our health, relationships, personal concerns, parenting, etc, it seems to move at an unstoppable pace. When we don't stop to think, reflect, and consider our current state, we may not make the best choices in our lives. This is the purpose of meditation; to stop all the noise, all the chatter and get us to connect deeply with ourselves, what we need, what we feel, and what we ultimately want or need to do.
Vida's Community Meditation room is open to all via a low cost annual membership, to ensure we all have access to a safe, comfortable and sacred place to think, ground ourselves and breathe.
If you do not have a meditation practice, it may seem overwhelming; another thing on our growing to do-list. But as with all habits, it is a matter of persistence and consistency. So come on by and give it a try!
If you have had the pleasure of having a consistent practice our community meditation room will give you the chance to explore a new space and some additional time for yourself.
In short, ALL are welcome, including children. As parents ourselves we would like to encourage meditation and self-reflection at an early age so child friendly meditation hours will be available.